Magic Ebooks

The Nico Heinrich Trilogy (Don’t Forget To Play, Pure Mentalism & Dopamine)
The Nico Heinrich Trilogy (Don’t Forget To Play, Pure Mentalism & Dopamine)
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“Time and time again, Nico and the groundbreaking new material which he has lovingly crafted and skillfully presented to me in return turned out just as beautiful, empowering and impressive. Mr. Heinrich has proven himself, his talents and his credentials as one of mentalism’s new rising stars; I’ve found him to be a gifted artist, unique and original creator and one of the top performers in the new genre of minimalist mind reading and propless or near-propless mentalism.” – Jerome Finley

“I have known Nico for more than ten years and everything he has ever invented is treasure for both mentalists and hypnotists. I’m a fan and I am proud to have had a chance at using his stuff during real life performances.” – Rainer Mees


This is Pure Mentalism. No complicated setups, no gimmicks. However, this is advanced stuff. If you don’t know how to handle your audience – this is not for you. If you have never read Corinda’s 13 Steps to Mentalism nor Annemann’s Practical Mental Effects – this is not for you. Otherwise, you don’t want to miss this!



– NUMBER STEAL MIND READING is just fun to perform. It’s a flirty framework for any mind reading demo. Furthermore, it is an extremely elegant way of getting someone’s phone number.

– FORGOTTEN IMPRESSIONS is the boldest peek out there. You can use it with zodiac signs, numbers, dates, colors – virtually anything. What makes this concept unique though is: Later on they won’t even remember that they wrote something.

– 1000$ NAME GUESS is not only billet-less but extremely deceptive and almost impossible to backtrack. Nothing is written down, there are no gimmicks, very little fishing, and a straight forward presentation: They only think of someone that is important to them, you name two or three letters and then the whole name – that’s it! I have to say the method is not 100% but will work most of the time.

– PURE CARD READING is a really good method to know what playing card someone is thinking of. No real deck involved. Nothing written down. No psychological forces. This is 100% propless and impromptu.

– THOUGHT SHARING is an essay about an old magician’s gag that we can utilize to create the illusion of sharing a thought. Must read for every mind reader.

– UNIVERSAL ANYTHING is a very versatile and useful technique to describe a thought you don’t know anything about. Every purist has to know this method.

– UA BOOK TEST is an example of what you can do with the UNIVERSAL ANYTHING technique. Someone freely selects a thought from a borrowed book. They can even change their mind – no force! You describe that thought and also tell them what word they were thinking of before that. Impromptu.

– COCAINE is the greatest propless mind reading concept I have created so far and is worth at least twice the money you have paid for this book. If someone comes up to me and asks: “Can you read my mind?” – this is the answer. They think of anything at all (no limitations) and the performer is able to describe their thoughts. That’s it. There is no set up, no confederates, nothing to memorize, no anagrams, no psychological forces – nothing. I have performed this hundreds of times over the past seven years. I’ve done it in one-on-one-settings, for small groups, on stage, even over the phone. You will either hate or love this – there is no in between.



– BLUFF READINGS is an easy presentational framework for psychometry routines that makes the reading part a child’s play.

– PHYSICAL EMOTIONS II is a reversed which hand effect with two emotions. Finally, you reveal what they were thinking of. All you need is two business cards and a pen. It’s 100% impromptu.

– BOLD PSYCHOMETRY is so damn clean and fooling, that I can imagine “real” psychics doing it. You ask them to think of a positive and then three negative character traits. They are written on business cards, which are mixed and placed on the table. You never see the writing – yet you are able to locate and reveal the positive character trait without touching the cards. It is not what you expect. This looks and feels real. Again 100% impromptu.

– STAR SIGN PSYCHOMETRY uses four of your business cards and a pen. This sneaky variation of BOLD PSYCHOMETRY enables you to reveal their month of birth and their star sign with ease.



– SUBLIMINAL OPENER is a quick and clean mind control effect that uses three objects. Nothing earth shattering, but a nice opener with some very clever subtleties.

– HEAD TAP INDUCTION is a very elegant and practical way to induce hypnosis, using only one finger.

– THE ROTARY KNOB is an invisible tool for changing the intensity of the rain, the size of someone’s pupil, the temperature of an object – and much, much more. Pure, imaginative mentalism at its best.

– INTENSE REALITY is mere suggestion at its finest. You ask them to close their eyes for a second – and the next moment they are experiencing reality about 50% stronger. This is one of the most reliable suggestion-based effects I know and there are some pretty nice applications for it.

– ERASING A FEAR is a technique to A) create the illusion of being able to make fears disappear and B) actually lighten someone’s fear.

– SUGGESTIVE READINGS actually enables you to change people’s behavior and soften their skepticism towards your performance. This is pure psychological manipulation.



– MOMENTALISM is a short essay on the use of the “magic moment” in mentalism.

– “I CAN’T READ YOU!” is an interesting approach, that will leave a long lasting impression on a stranger – without you having to perform anything!

– ESPRESSO uses only five business cards and a pen. They very fairly choose one of the cards and then a number from one to five. When the chosen card is turned over, their chosen number is written on its back. You turn over the remaining cards and they are – blank. Super easy to do and a nice way to hand out your business card. This can be performed with one or even two participants.


His debut PURE MENTALISM was a huge success. In this book, Nico Heinrich shares some more ideas and concepts along the same lines – again, you won’t need any gimmicks or crazy preparation. This is clean, straight forward, skill-based mentalism that you can perform impromptu under almost any circumstances. If you liked PM you are in for a treat.

“Love the new book” – Jerome Finley about DOPAMINE



ENTRANCE is a hands-off induction, which happens without any pre-talk. You can even use this to find suggestible subjects in the audience.

IMPERCEPTIBLE COIN RUSE gives you the power to make limbs feel numb, to make fears disappear and to hypnotize the whole audience – with just a normal coin. You can use this as a set-piece for actual hypnosis or as a stand alone effect.

PURE NUMEROLOGY is impromptu mentalism at its best. Using this concept, you are able to answer merely thought of questions with accuracy – every single time. You may perform this for one person or to your whole audience, making this an impromptu Q&A act. You don’t need envelopes, pens or billets – just their smartphone, which you don’t even need to touch or look at. Very flexible and customizable method.

INSTANT ORACLE uses just a business or file card and a pen. After they have settled on a question of concern, the card is torn into pieces and used as an oracle. Without you seeing, they take some pieces in each hand and concentrate. You are then able to tell them exactly how many pieces are in each hand – and by interpreting those numbers, you accurately answer their thought of question. This concept can be used with star signs and names as well. If you have struggled to find a convincing presentation/justification for the CT, don’t look any further – this is it.

AWARENESS is a beautiful finale to any hypnosis routine. It’s not a trick, but a very strong presentation, which will leave your participant with an amazing feeling.

EZ BILLET OPENER is a mind reading routine, which is funny, super easy to do and perfect for stage performances.

INVISIBLE PARADISE is a test conditions card prediction, that you can perform any time, anywhere, with any deck.

MINIMALIST DD is an impromptu drawing duplication, using only one business card and something to write with – nothing else. Different variations included, from “insanely bold” to “super easy”. You will use this a lot!

SINGLE DIGIT DIVINATION is – as the title suggests – a more or less straightforward divination of a single digit. It isn’t strong enough to stand alone – but it’s a nice building block or prelude to something bigger.

HBT SUBTLETY will be your new favorite page force. It is basically a more deceptive variation on the old Hoy Book Test. Phedon Bilek about this subtlety: “You’ve just modified the way I’ll perform my all-time favorite book test.”


If you are a mentalist, this book will probably make you happy.

104 pages, illustrated


“I expected to be a bit disappointed, owing to the exceptional quality of the previous releases, but hey, you did it again. One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.” – Phedon Bilek

“My oh my, Places and Planets is a masterpiece. A wonderful mix of propless and props. This is definitely my new favourite from your books.” – Ori Ascher

This is Nico’s third collection of effects and ideas and, as always, there are no gimmicks and little to no preparation required. All you get is pure, skill-based mentalism. Now, besides 13 practical routines, techniques and concepts, this book contains a thought-provoking 20-page essay about play and its relationship with mentalism.

So, whether you are interested in clever methods, novel presentations or new perspectives on mentalism – there is something in here for everyone!


LEGO PIECE is a simple propless mind reading effect based on Lego bricks.

ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE, in a nutshell, is a thought of word revelation, using the help of Google. This can easily come across as real, depending on how far you take it.

AN IMAGINARY BOOK TEST is a book test without an actual book. They think of a title, a page number and a word on that page. They really have a free choice, however, your prediction matches perfectly.

AN ANSWER QUESTIONED gives you the ability to answer a question before they have even thought of it.

NUMEROLOGIC FORCES is a versatile concept, which enables you to force a single digit, using numerology. There are three variations included and you will be able to come up with your own, once you have grasped the underlying principle.

DOUBLECHECKED is a simple yet powerful Q&A routine for one participant. Basically, it is a genuine reading, garnished with a convincer and an important message at the end.

ANTI-PREDICTIONS will get your creative juices flowing. In this routine, you try to predict things that won’t happen but, against all odds, you fail. This extremely playful concept will bring a new colour to your repertoire.

KNOWING THE TRUTH is a lie detection test and more. The participant is asked to tell two truths and one lie about themselves but instead of just spotting the lie you find out the truth behind it as well.

SIDE SLEEPER RUSE gives you the power to instantly know someone’s preferred sleeping position. You will feel like Sherlock Holmes!

INTUITION MONTE is a novel drawing location and duplication, using three double blank cards. Everything looks ultra fair and they will swear that you never touched their drawing.

PLACES & PLANETS is a highly practical billet routine, which is super easy to do, yet very deceptive. The participant thinks of any place and any planet. Only one of them is written down, yet you reveal both.

AUDIOPHILE is a very bold telepathy routine. They open up a normal book to a thought of page number and imagine the first lines being read by a particular voice. You are then able to reveal both: the words and the voice.

MANTRA is a way to teach someone how to meditate by giving them a personal mantra, which they can actually feel being powerful.

CONSIDER PLAY is an essay about play and its relevance in mentalism.


If you like to play, you should get this book. If you rarely play though, you have to get it.

164 pages, illustrated



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