Magic Ebooks

The 21 System by Paul Voodini
The 21 System by Paul Voodini
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Paul Voodini – The 21 System

21 is a fascinating reading and character analysis system for mentalists and mind-readers based around the card game Blackjack. It is a mesmerising game of fate and fortune that combines the cool world of the casino with the intriguing feats of the psychics. With the 21 system you will decipher the character, understand the person, and foretell their decisions!

21 is a fun and versatile system, equally at home with both in-depth one-to-one readings and more entertainment based group readings and character analysis. Everyone enjoys the occasional gamble, and with the 21 system the choices they make and the gambles they place reveal to you their character, their past, and their future.

Hit or stand? It's your choice!

The 21 system utilises nothing more than an ordinary deck of cards, but is quite unlike any other reading and analysis system you will have encountered before. The system can be used in a traditional reading sense, or in a character analysis format.

1st edition 2014, 22 pages.

word count: 7330 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text

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