Nefesch – Teleki Nefesch
Imagine a book filled with HUNDREDS of pages talking about the method, script, psychology and thinking behind some amazing routines.
A borrowed crushed water bottle which contains an unseen word that has been writtenby a spectator VISIBLY uncrushes itself, and the spectators breaths their thoughts into the bottle and the performer inhales those thoughts and reads their mind!
A spectator tries to crush an aluminum can with strength by pressing on the ends of the can (Nearly impossible if you ever tried) and it proves futile. The performerwithout touching the can or the spectator's hands, concentrates and causes the can to begin to crush in the spectator's hands. The feel and hear the can moving and twisting all the way!
During a mind reading routine, a pen that the spectators has held and used to write with, and which became a mental link between performer and spectator is shown to have exploded inside the clear barrel do to an overload of thought! In the meanwhile, the performer readsthe spectator's mind regarding a symbol and a word! A triple effect with a visual kick!
Another bottle effect where the bottle visibly crushes itself and restores itself as well!
A metal bending effect where a paper clip bends and unfolds itself and THEN bends into the shape of a spectator's thought!
A wad of cotton (Theoretically borrowed) reveals the initial a spectator is thinking of!
A serial number reading effect where the performer is able to divine the number on a borrowed folded bill, and then cause the bill to unfold by itself.
Here is the Publisher's Fwd, which I think sums up what the book is about very well!
Publisher's Foreword
What is the number one, fundamental thing lacking in mentalism but which traditional magic has going for it? The Visual Element.
One of the biggest challenges within mentalist and psychic entertainment is to give the spectator something to look at. We are a very visual people. With the infiltration of television and the internet on every facet of our lives this is even more true today than during Annemann's years- and even HE spoke of the lack of a visual element as being a short coming.
Then along came UriGeller. Aside from thrusting what we do into a level of public interest that has not been matched except (Maybe arguably) by John Edward in recent years, weather intentionally or not, Uri gave the mentalism community at large a whole new thing to do besides reading minds- andbest of all it was VISUAL. Better still, Uri had big TV behind him and so the concept of bending spooks and keys via psychic ability went from novel oddity to almost an EXPECTATION in the minds of the lay public. BUT- that is also as far as it went.
You could not perform "WonderBar" as a psychic piece. Occasionally items came along wherein a small object might move or stand up but seldom did we see these things being used as serious mentalism. And more to the point- they did not catch on. "That's Incredible" featured a few people who, under various theoretical frameworks, flipped pages of telephone books, walked on eggs, made pens and pencils move. But again, these effects did not catch on like the bending of spoons and keys.
As a publisher, I have learned that I have no clue what will catch on and what people will LOVE vs what they will only like. The book you hold is, to me, a milestone in mentalism both in practical performance AND in mentalism theory. The items herein were created by Nefesch.
You may know Nefeschfrom some of his earlier magic and mentalism releases through my company and his 3 DVD set released by our mutual friend Titanas of Greece. If you KNOW of Nefesch and you like his material thenyou know a few things: Nefesch will do whatever it takes to make an effect work. His methods are sometimes complex involving a LOT of preparation but they deliver and often they deliver test condition miracles. You know that he documents things in extreme detail. You know that he spends agonizing time on telling you not only what he DOES, but what he says and WHY- the psychology behind it. You know that his other methodology of choice is pure, direct, bold Chutzpah! If you know Nefesch and like his methods- these are the reasons why. If you Know Nefesch and typically do NOT like his methods- it is probably for these SAME REASONS.
What you may or may not know about him is this- Nefesch is both talented AND a kind, caring
PLEASE NOTE: This item is a digital download ,Gimmick not included
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