Magic Ebooks

Gui Del Frate Magic - Inject Shortcuts Pack - Vol. 1
Gui Del Frate Magic - Inject Shortcuts Pack - Vol. 1
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“I am totally BLOWN AWAY!! This is the closest thing to the HOLY GRAIL.” — Greg Rostami

In this series, I share some of the effects and methods I have developed over the years using iOS Shortcuts with Inject. Some of the effects in this edition include:

  • Music Coincidence: a coincidence effect where the spectator thinks of an artist and the magician predicts it before revealing that the background music that has been playing the whole time is by the very artist they had in mind.
  • Calc Peek: the spectator thinks of a number, adds and multiplies it with random numbers, and in a completely impossible way (without looking or touching the spectator's phone after the calculation), the magician can guess the thought-of number (dates, passwords, etc).
  • Real Inject: a super clean way to perform Inject without having to use fake Google. The magician gets the Inject thump from the user using REAL Google.
  • Instagram: receive a thump for each profile the spectator accesses on Instagram, on their own phone.
  • Note Prediction: the magician makes a prediction in the spectator's note block on their phone, then ask them to think of any word. In the end, the magician not only predicts the thought-of word but also reveals his prediction in the notes app, 100% correct.

Note: to perform the effects in this e-book, you need an iOS device and an active account of Inject by Greg Rostami. You can find Inject here.