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Apocalypse Volumes 1-5 by Harry Lorayne
Apocalypse Volumes 1-5 by Harry Lorayne
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Apocalypse Volumes 1-5 by Harry Lorayne  


Foreword by Harry Lorayne
i Apocalypse Index for Volume 1: lists by effects, by contributors, by Sleights described within routines, and by issue
v Apocalypse Index for Volume 2
ix Apocalypse Index for Volume 3
xiii Apocalypse Index for Volume 4
xvii Apocalypse Index for Volume 5

Apocalypse Vol 1 No 1 Jan 1978
1 Interlaced Vanish (Paul Harris): 3 Aces vanish from between four kings. Ace under spectator's hand changes to indifferent card. 3 Aces are cut to, and 4th Ace is found in the card case
3 Visual Drop Switch (Richard Kaufman): instant visual coin change when dropping coin from one hand to the other
4 Instant Sandwich Catch (Harry Lorayne): card sandwich routine
6 Chink A Chink (David Roth): 4 coin matrix with no cards
8 Goody Two Choose (J.K. Hartman): 2 spectators choose cards from different halves of the deck and the magician locates the cards
9 Okito Opener (Geoff Latta): Okito box opening routine
11 Editorials by Harry Lorayne and Richard Kaufman on launching a new magazine
12 You Gotta Be Kidding! Geoff Latta Okito box move
12 Not Bad, Fella's: Tannen's Jubilee
12 Ever Done a Fifth? Martin Nash

13 Apocalypse Vo 1 No 2 Feb 1978
13 Poker Challenge (Harry Lorayne): poker deal
15 Sokito Box (David Roth): Solid Okito box routine
16 Card In Balloon (Derek Dingle): good card in balloon routine
20 Four Coin Vanishes (Ken Krenzel): Rear Exit, Hookless Hok Coin, Kicked Thru!, Persistence Placement
23 Razzle Dazzle: Harry's story about a happy medium
24 Recommendation for Lorayne's The Magic Book
24 For What It's Worth: Paul Harris' Super Magic, Garcia's Wildcard Miracles

25 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 3 March 1978
25 Slydini Kills Time! (Slydini): a spectator's watch is slammed to the table in a crash, where a set of keys is shown. The watch is in the pocket
27 Deckin Hofzinser Deluxe (Jon Racherbaumer): 4 aces are shown and one turns over, matching the suit of a selection. Aces are returned to the deck, where all turn over but one, which turns out to be the selection
28 A Lorayne Storm: a smashed thumbtip
29 Grand Slam (Frank Garcia): 13 spades end up on top, twice
30 The Strung Coin (Sol Stone) Chinese coin on string
32 The Two Card Trick (Brother John Hamman): two cards are shown and the spectator can choose either one. The backs change color, then so does the card
33 Invisible Salt Extraction (Eric Meredith): Salt is poured from the hand. When the handkerchief is pulled away, the salt shaker is empty
35 Out to Lunch: becoming a close up performer
35 Razzle Dazzle: a 1907 patent
36 Tidings: Connecticut Joe on J.K. Hartman's Good Two Choose, Paul Curry's Special Effects, Rene Clement's Card in Balloon Dog

37 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 4 April 1978
37 The Armchair Bowler (Phil Goldstein): a mental effect with an imaginary bowling game
39 Quarters (Bob Hyans): a card is torn into 4 quarters, and a quarter appears under each one!
40 A cut pack principle described
41 Kenomental (Looy Simonoff): Great crayon and card idea. Marked selection vanishes, can be instantly located, and so forth
42 Marionette Multiple Coin Vanish (Ken Krenzel): coin vanish, the hands move together
43 Hole Card (Trevor Lewis): a quarter is pushed through a hole in a playing card the size of a nickel; with humorous by play
44 Ken Krenzel on Bro John Hammon's Two Card Trick
45 Gene Maze Predicts: 2 spectators and 2 decks and a nice packet switch (performed seated)
46 Editorial: magic exposure
47 Harry Lorayne in Ripley's Believe It or Not!
48 Tidings: magic exposed in a men's magazine, William Goldman's Magic

49 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 5 May 1978
49 Noah's Mix Up! (Gene Castillon): an animal prediction with special animal cards
51 Hi Ho Silveroon! (Ken Krenzel): a coin lowers itself into the pack of cards to the selection
53 Zigs & Zags (Herb Zarrow): Spectator thinks of card at any number in one half deck, performer does same in other half. Both deal and cards match, then suddenly transpose!
54 A Bird In Hand (Sol Stone): a silver dollar is split into two halves, then restored
56 Dream Deck Switch (Richard Kaufman): a 2 deck standing pseudo gambling sucker card routine
57 Marksmanship Bill(et) Switch (Dennis Marks): bill or billet switch, no TT
59 Out to Lunch: more close up performing and the bill to lemon
59 Gene Castillon on Noah's Mixup
60 Tidings: upcoming books listed

61 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 6 1978
61 To Tell The Truth (Gerald Kosky): a cute 2 spectator mental effect with the liar and the truthteller
62 Interlocked Card Production (Vic Sendax): Card appearance from interlocked hands
66 Four by Four (Scottt Weiser): 4 silvers change to 4 coppers on the table top
67 Monte Plus (or Hallucination) (Trevor Lewis): a three card Monte type packet effect
68 Hanging Coins (David Roth): 4 coins are hung one at a time on an invisible sky hook
71 Editorial: copying Apocalypse
72 Tidings: new books on gambling, buried effects, credits

73 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 7 July 1978
73 Contingency Aces (Robert Walker & Jon Racherbaumer): a think ace ad color transposition effect with just 4 aces
76 Slippery Silver (Geoff Latta) a nice hand to hand coins across with an expanded shell and good Han Ping Chien move
78 Staple and Stab (Paul Harris & Looy Simonoff): deck is stabbed with stapled jokers. One unstapled joker is found, and a selected card is now stapled to the other joker
80 Stapled Stunner (Richard Kaufman): Richard's version
80 Ken Krenzel's Version
81 Circular Spell (Jonathan Townsend): spellbound coin change
81 Monte Plus Plus (Ken Krenzel): version of Lewis' Monte Plus 3 card Monte effect
83 Important Message: about subscriptions
83 Eddie Fechter's Close Up gathering
84 Tidings: a magic conversation, more tidbits

85 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 8 August 1978
85 2 Shuffles Harry (Brother John Hamman): Always shuffles twice. Deck is mixed face up and face down, but rights itself and only 2 selections are found reversed. In addition, deck as separated into reds and blacks
87 Flipswitch (Bob Elliott): good coin switch in 2 hands
88 Fibonacci Fantasy (Martin Gardner): mathematical effect
89 Shovel Coin Shuffle (Frank Paglia): two cards cover two coins,but the coins change magically under the cards
92 Torn & Restored Coin (David Roth): a coin is partially torn with the fingers and then restored
93 Psychic Poker (Jon Racherbaumer): a poker demonstration involving the spectator
94 The Jarred Coin (Sol Stone): a chopped glass jar for a coin in the jar effect
95 Out to Lunch: Richard Himber story, working for tips
96 Tidings: Players' Club Magic Pipe Night, Zarrow's Zig Zag Effect, correction to Roth' Hanging Coins, unjust accusation of exposure

97 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 9 Sept 1978
97 Silver Quick (Derek Dingle): coins across, but into the spectator's hand!
99 Sirius (Andre Robert): magician eliminates cards until one left, the selection
101 Break Up! (Les Shore): Silver dollar to two halves in the hands
103 Flippant (Looy Simonoff): instant top card change
105 The Winter Change (John Cornelius): visual card change
106 Editorial: success of Apocalypse
107 Guest Tidings (by Frank Garcia): a true story

109 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 10 Oct 1978
109 The Mystery of the Gold Pins (Slydini): linking safety pins routine
114 The Summer Change (Russell Barnhart): another card change
116 Utility 4 Insta-Change (Harry Lorayne): a 4 card packet switch
117 Tannen's One Hand Okito Box Sequence: quick vanish of a single coin using an Okito box
119 No Sleeve Sleeve (John Bentz): a coin switch using a sleeving type action without sleeves
120 Dominique: his butterfly act
120 Evolution: credit for a linking card effect

121 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 11 Nov 1978
121 Force Able (Dai Vernon): glimpsing a card about to be forced
123 Mental Symmetry (Looy Simonoff): two people read each others minds using cards
124 The Absolute Touch (Pavel): 4 or 5 coins are borrowed from different spectators, magician tells the dates
125 Ultimate Ace Assembly (Buddy Anckner): Ace Assembly routine
127 On Brother John Hamman's Two Shuffles Harry
128 Remembrance of Cards Past (Phil Goldstein): signed selected card rises to the top, then rises from the middle, then gets the magician's signature on the back
129 Marked Transpo (Bob King): copper silver coin transposition
130 One Hand Flourish False Cut (Ken Krenzel): for cards
131 Out to Lunch: table magic
132 Tidings by Richard Kaufman: New Ross Bertram book, Racherbaumer's Arch Triumphs, Tannen's convention, upcoming books

133 Apocalypse Vol 1 No 12 Dec 1978
133 The Foxy Flip (Karrell Fox): startling flip revelation of a peeked card
134 The Cirkulus Switch (Russell Barnhart): card switch utility move for the close up pad
136 3 Coins at the Fountain (Mark Levy): 3 coins to cup. Impromptu type effect to use with a paper cup.
136 Pair A Noic (Bernard Bilis): a sandwich effect in which the selected card is found between two face up cards twice
138 Strung Too (Jon Brunelle): Chinese coin and string routine
139 Twist Till It Hurts (Geoff Latta): Ace thru 4 of Spades used. Ace turns face up, then the 2, 3, and 4, each singly. Then the A, 2, and 3 all turn face up, but the 4 won't. It is turned over to reveal a red four
141 One Hand Triple Cut (Paul Draylin): a nice one handed cut
142 Touch Change One (Richard Kaufman): a coin color change by touching
143 Editorial: Richard Kaufman's last issue
144 Tidings (Kaufman): Kaufman's view of his last issue

145 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 1 Jan 1979
145 Dai-Verse Color Change (Dai Vernon): utility move card color change
147 Zippy Zig Zag (Jon Racherbaumer): variation of George Kaplan's Zig Zag card routine
149 The Sliding Knot (John Cornelius): Two ropes are tied together and the knot is slid to one end, slid back, and the ropes untied
151 Alpha Beta Cent (Harry Lorayne): Alphabet cards are spread and several small words shown to be spelled. A card is selected from a regular deck. The alphabet cards are spread and the selection is spelled. Two methods
153 Spellbound Switchcraft (Patrick Page): instant visible change of a coin
154 Lorayne Storm: Selection is moved from one packet to another one out of three. Magician names packet that contains the card, where it came from, and can name the card
155 Mentalias II (J.K. Hartman): mental routine where the JH tells you the spectators selection
156 Editorial: one year anniversary notes

157 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 2 Feb 1979
157 Duck Too (Larry Becker): magician's card matches the spectator's with cute story line
158 Spell A Name Force (Dave Lederman): forcing a card while spelling a name
159 A Cut Above (Marcello Truzzi): one of 5 ESP symbols is selected. An envelope with lines is cut between the lines, bisecting the selected symbol!
161 Observation Test (Lenny Greenfader): clean vanish of three coins
162 Deuces are Wild (Willie Brodersen): selected card under glass; lesson in misdirection
164 Poker Challenge Revisited (Harry Lorayne): another version
166 Wave Change (Scott Weiser): magical coin change using lapping
167 Out to Lunch: a stage magic show
168 Ellipses…Tannen's retirement, various notes

169 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 3 March 1979
169 Triangle Angle (Mike Bornstein): a nice coin routine with a folded dollar and 4 coins (shell)
171 Acrobatic Card Extension (Larry West): a packet effect with a selected card flying out of the deck
172 The Forgetful Gambler (Tom Gagnon): poker demonstration
175 Bill Tear (Jim Ryan's): torn and restored bill, no TT
176 Follow Along (Ron Frost): 2 routines. In first, four face down cards turn face up. 2nd uses same idea, but is more of a wild card routine
178 Coin Box S&I (Kirk Stiles): nice Okito box routine
179 A Lorayne Storm: on the slip cut force
180 Ellipses…Tom Foolery, E Strauss on Slydini's Linking Pins, Rim Shots gaffed, subscriptions

181 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 4 April 1979
181 Pres"sure" Location (Ted Biet): spectator selects 10 cards. Magician fans them to spectator who mentally selects one. Cards are weaved into deck, and name of card is asked. Deck is pressure fanned and one card is reversed
183 A Dice Interlude (Les Scheyer): a single die routine
185 Double Surface (Harry Lorayne): single die has 3 sides the same
186 Unkindest Cut of All (Allan Slaight): gambling set up
187 Double Transfer Coin Production (Bob Fitch): invisible switch of coin from hand to hand
189 New Charlier Pass (Tom Ransom): another version
190 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Sam Rosenfeld on To Tell the Truth
191 Four Finger Finale (Paul Harris): four coins across with a unique ending
192 Ellipses…credits to Linking Pin, book reviews

193 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 5 May 1979
193 Cloning (Father Cyprian): You do as I do with one deck
195 No Memory Magic Square (Terry LaGerould): magic square
196 Straighten Out (Dai Vernon): move to straighten reversed card at bottom of deck
197 Something Happened (Bob Gabrielle): Boston Box quickie
198 Color Concept (Hiram Strait): 2 signed cards jump from one deck to another
199 The Jumping Card (Jeff McBride): flourish
200 One to Five (Sol Stone): clean coin vanish or change without sleeving or lapping
201 A Lorayne Storm: forcing a number using 2 below and 2 ahead
202 Close Up Zig Zag Card (Don England): signed card has the middle slid out and back and is then examined
203 Out to Lunch: close up table magic
204 Ellipses…toy boat, Charles Hudson on Bilis' Pair A Noic, rubber dam effects, joking at the border

205 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 6 June 1979
205 Numeral Oh Gee (Amazing Randi): mathematical principle by Shigeo Futagawa prediction effect
207 Triple Triumph (Jean Jacques Sanvert): similar to Two Shuffles Harry
209 Coinswoggled (Gene Castillon): a bill shortchange routine with jumbo coin climax
211 I'm Lucky (Albert Charra): the magician's card gamble works perfectly
212 Jumbo Coin Jumbo (Allan Hayen): coin to Jumbo coin
214 The Growing Coin (Bernard Bilis): using a card fan
214 Black Jack (Paul Gertner): a black jack story card effect
216 Editorial: contributions and credits after the fact

217 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 7 July 1979
217 It' Match-ic (Tom Mullica): a nice wooden match routine performed behind the bar
219 For Ambitious Experts (Tony Noice): logical routine based on turnover pass and classic pass
220 Kick Key (Michael Ammar): nice card location using a good peek
222 A Double Lift Finesse (Anonymous): finesse to prove only one card has been turned over
222 Sleevebone Connected to the Chestbone (Looy Simonoff): butter knife vanishes from your hands and is recovered from your chest
224 Two Faced (Sid Lorraine): a card prediction using a deck of double facers
225 Thirty Two (Norman Houghton): self working counting card trick
226 Ultimate Transposed Cards (Nick Pudar): quick and clean card transpo
227 A Lorayne Storm: side steal for those who can't do a side steal
228 Ellipses…Ed Brown credit, sliding knot, Paul Curry, Orville Meyer on Unkindest Cut of All, Frank Garcia tossed deck 2 card retention idea, tongue twisters, cigarettes

229 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 8 Aug 1979
229 Choice Aces (Eddie Fechter): a four ace routine where the spectator chooses the ending
231 Relentless (Bill Voss): a full routine with 4 coppers, 4 silvers, and one CS
234 Lightning Stab Change (Bruce Ikefugi): a fast card change
235 Perfection Transposition (Ken Krenzel): transposition of two coins using double Han Ping Chiens
236 Misery (Eric Mason): 4 selections change to 4 queens
238 Untouched (Jon Brunelle): English penny is spun and changes into a half. Half held by spectator turns out to be an English Penny
239 A Lorayne Storm: sucker expose of card palming
239 Ellipses: Fetcher's gathering, nice magicians and touring

241 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 9 Sept 1979
241 Color Sandwich (Jean Jaques Sanvert): spectator's selections are sandwiched between two aces, and also change back color
243 Myriad Cut (William Morales): multiple false cut
244 Clip Join (Mike Bornstein): a two pronged clip is thrust through a dollar bill a pulled along it. The bill is unharmed
246 Ribbon Candy (Ron Ferris): spectator stops the deal at the opposite color cards. A "self working" card trick
247 I've Got Twenty (Anonymous): a card is used to flip and show a 2nd card, but really shows the 1st card twice
248 Circles (Bob Fitch): one at a time production of 4 coins using a playing card
251 Beer Bottle Polka (Gene Gosnoski): during a coin through bar table routine, the coin fails to go through but the beer bottle it was under vanishes
251 Out to Lunch: looking young
252 Editorial: Finger flingers

253 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 10 Oct 1979
253 Quick Hofzinser Quick (Richard Kaufman): spectator's selections turn up everywhere
257 Chain(R)ing (Bill Wisch: finger ring and chain move 
259 Evening the Odds (Charles Randall): one way backs routine
261 One Way Tally Ho (Harry Lorayne): one way design on Tally Ho cards
261 One to Go (Woody Landers): surprise ending for 4 coins across
262 Goody Goods (Tom Craven): As Goody Two Choose card effect with no set up
263 All Around the Town (Bernard Bilis): a sort of chink a chink move with two coins
264 Ellipses…letters, 116 good effects, mistakes in Quantum Leaps, 3 card Monte street workers, Jeff McBride

265 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 11 Nov 1979
265 Reverse Assembly (Paul Gertner): reverse coin assembly or matrix
267 Double Deal & Lost Aces (Pat Cook): workable double deal with Merlin's Lost Aces routine to use it
268 Toss Change (Dennis Marks): card change
270 Half Shot (Scott Weiser): coin appears under a shot glass
272 Under Glass Change (Scott Weiser): coin changes under a glass
272 Sentence quiz: use 4 that's in a row in a sensible sentence
273 Rub Out! (Looy Simonoff): Erasermate mental effect
274 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: John Cornelius on Looy Simonoff's Flippant
274 Now! (Johnathan Townsend): selected card is placed face down on table. Magician selects card and demonstrates how spectator is to show his card. When they both show cards, they transpose
275 A Lorayne Storm: a memory card revelation
276 Ellipses…pet peeves in magic

277 Apocalypse Vol 2 No 12 Dec 1979
277 Five One Transposition (A. Berkeley Davis): a $5 and $1 bill transposition
280 FaBuLouS (Finnell, Bonfeld, Lorayne): a sandwich card effect
282 Pseudometry (Terry Lagerould): pseudo memory routine with cards
283 Ring Opening (Roland Hurley): Two finger rings are permanently linked
284 Flipped (Bernard Bilis): quickie coin routine with two halves, one English penny, and one CS
285 A Case of Black Jack (Tommy Ellison): version of David Solomon's Jack In the Box card routine
287 Capping the Deck (Joel Siegel): feeding a card to your left in poker
288 Out to Lunch: dangers of working bars, Richard Himber story

289 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 1 Jan 1980
289 Modernized Cap and Pence (Scotty York): a nice version of cap and pence or cylinder and coins
292 Matswitch (Phil Goldstein): safe deck switch using a close up mat for misdirection
293 In Staple Condition (J.K. Hartman): selection becomes stapled to a business card
294 Sliding Knot, Plus (Blair Bowling): knot can be slid and untied
296 Another Royal Miracle (Jon Racherbaumer): extension of Lary West's Acrobatic Car Extension
297 Change Over (Max Londono): object exchange in the hands
298 A Card Hop (Harry Lorayne): instant card from bottom to top
299 Three Card Monte Expose (Jackie Flosso): a sucker expose of the 3 card Monte routine. Spectator can't find the key card because it is in the middle of the deck, face up
300 Editorial: third year of Apocalypse

301 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 2 Feb 1980
301 Soft Sleeve (Sol Stone): coin routine using, of course, sleeving
303 Trip From Center (John Murray): card from center to top
304 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: 2 10 Card Rummy hand set up
305 Shell Shocked! (David Garrard): a sort of cups and balls routine using L'Egg shells (are these still available?) and coins
307 An Instant Flip Over Change (Anonymous): face up card is snapped to the table and visibly changes
308 Flicker (John Cornelius): as above
308 Copper Silver Transpo (Geoff Latta): nice routine using an English Penny shell
310 All Fair Moving Collectors (William Miesel): 2 red backed jacks find two selections in a blue deck and change to two queens
311 Four Coin Production (George Eisler): good opening for 4 coin routine
312 Ellipses…Tom Mullica, Martin Nash, Magic Moment Restaurant, idea by Nick Varga on A Cut Above

313 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 3 March 1980
313 Transcendental Transpo (Ken Krenzel): instant an visual transposition of two cards using gaffed cards
316 Sponge Balls 1) Color Transposition 2) Production (Yedid, Meir): production is for platform presentation
317 The Flying Signature (Jim Lee): Spectator's signature magically travels from back of one card to the back of another. Also a reversed card re-reverses itself
318 A Lorayne Storm: an idea for the shell game using different colored peas
319 Instant Color Change (Russ Burns): for coins
320 Swing Low (Joey Gallo): a cut that keeps the bottom card in place
321 Four Coins In Glass Routine (Philippe Fialho): performed seated
322 Time Out! (Mark Levy): a sort of Out to Lunch business card effect
323 Out to Lunch: approaching the table
324 Ellipses…pleasing everyone, Pete Biro, Cohen's hand shaking gag, Tannen's Jubilee, getting a table magic job, a "nine" business card effect

325 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 4 April 1980
325 Frozen Deckery (Michael Ammar): torn and restored card, but the restored card is in a block of ice
327 Ice O Teric (Michael Ammar): spectator's card selection becomes folded in an ice cube
328 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Charles Hudson on Charra's I'm Lucky
329 Recalled (Nick Pudar): 4 Kings shown, two are placed to the table. When turned over, one King vanishes and appears between the held Kings
330 (Ring) Knot Really (Michael McGivern): finger ring release from a knot in a rope
333 Sticky Cards (Marv Long): three cards are lifted with the open palm and no gimmicks
334 Pennies From Heaven (William Goldman): 4 halves change to a bunch of pennies in the hands
335 Tele "Vision" (Andre Robert): a card is selected and returned. Spectator removes any 5 cards to include his selection, and magician feels each card to find the selection
336 Ellipses…leftover Magic Books, Frank Garcia and Linking Card, travel to Manila, Tokyo

337 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 5 May 1980
337 Out Boxed (Woody Landers): coin placed in Okito box changes to another coin
339 Chased Aces (Paul L. Smith): 4 aces vanish from packets and are found in the deck in 4 ways
340 Double Saltless (Harry Lorayne): saltless with two card selections
342 Knives Knives Knives (Gonzalez, Kaufman, Stone): three handlings for he color changing knives
343 Added Attraction (Gerald Deutsch): Royal Flush is shown and spectator is challenged to find a face card. All the cards become 10s
345 Numbers Up (Tom Mullica): a multiphase card routine for the bar magician. Numbers are provided and the selected cards show up
347 Casual Display (Bill Voss): showing a hand empty with a coin when it's not
347 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Bonnie Hammond on Bill Voss' Relentless, Dennis Marks on Mullica's Match Ic, Orville Meyer on J.K. Hartma's Goody Two Shoes, Michael Gerhardt on Weiser's Half Sho and Under Glass Change
348 Ellipses…credits, Marlo.s Magazine, El Duco, Frank Garcia

349 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 6 June 1980
349 The General Card (Larry Jennings): impromptu card routine in which the top card changes four times to selected cards
351 French Drop Cop (David Harris): coin vanish
352 Swivel Round A Bout (Herb Zarrow): a swing card flourish
355 Propel A Coin (Tom Craven): after a coin flip, the coin vanishes. Good for one on one
355 Falling Leaves (Stephen Minch): two black jacks are removed and a card selected and returned. Jacks are inserted face up into the deck and the deck held. Three cards drop: the selection sandwiched between the Jacks
356 A Lorayne Storm: a quick TT effect to restore a match
357 Thanks to Ramsey (Jonathan Townsend): a three coin vanish that will take practice
358 Snap In Revelation (Lance Rogers): instant face up appearance of selected card
359 Sandwich Spread (Tom Gagon): when the deck is ribbon spread, the two kings emerge with the selected card between
360 Editorial: Afterthoughts or no afterthoughts?

361 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 7 July 1980
361 Star Warp (Howard Schwarzman): good card warp routine with dollar
365 Ring A Ding (Bob Hyans): finger ring off rope
366 Monte Plus Minus (Phil Goldstein): yet another 3 card Monte version
368 Wiped Clean (Michael Ammar): coin vanishes and both hands shown empty
369 Modern Jazz Aces (Darwin Ortiz): refinement of Kane's Jazz Aces
371 A Coin Glassic (Roger Sherman): Two aces cover a glass and a coin penetrates both. The Aces turn into Jokers
372 Ellipses…new great magic – not, Charles Hudson on Krenzel's Transcendental Transpo, More from Charles Hudson

373 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 8 Aug 1980
373 The Card Cocoon (Ron Ferris): selected card appears in nest of folded cards
376 No Knot (Dave Lederman): instant dissolving knot
377 Lickety Split Color Change (Doty): clean card color change
378 Three Opener (Bonnie Hammond): empty hand production of one two and three coins
379 Four Opener (Harry Lorayne): 4 coin production
381 The Humble/Arrogant Card Trick (Greg Miller): 2 presentations. Card inserted in deck fails to find card and changes into card instead. Original inserted card found reversed in deck. Also an "arrogant" version
382 Aces Loaded (Allan Slaight): Aces shuffled back into deck and are to be dealt out in a poker hand. Only 3 Aces make, the other is part of a Royal Flush
383 Out to Lunch: memory and another Richard Himber story
383 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: on Ron Ferris' Ribbon Candy
384 Ellipses..Abbott's convention, Karell Fox's Another Book, gripes, Out of This World story

385 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 9 Sept 1980
385 5& (Tom Ogden): penetrations and changes of a $1 and $5
387 Port Authority Transit (Michael Farmer): A selection vanishes from between two Jacks. 2nd selection does not vanish, but changes to first. 2nd selection is found reversed in the deck
389 Trinity (Norman Houghton): handling to show three cards as the same
390 Painted Desert (Milton): Good lead in for a coin and card matrix effect. 4 coins appear under cards
391 One Hand Matrix (Milton): 4 coin card matrix with one hand
393 Head to Head (Tom Craven): a poker bet or "gotcha"
394 Quick Sandwich (Tony Econ): a fast card sandwich
395 Come Forth! (Karrell Fox): the card is told to come forth, but instead comes fourth
395 Ellipses…Los Angeles, Magic Castle dress codes

397 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 10 Oct 1980
397 Abacus (Phil Goldstein): a 5 surprise mental card effect with a set up
399 Ring Through Rope (Robert L. Brooks): borrowed ring from rope, one method
401 High Spread (Greg Wissmueller): a gag in which the deck is spread hand to hand, and the spread suspends in the air
402 Oil and Watered (Paul Cummins): extension of an Oil and Water card routine
404 Rate of Exchange (Bob Faramer): a unique coin effect using Half, Chines coin, Mexican Centavo, Expanded shell, Chinese shell with milled edge, and a Copper/Silver half-Centavo
406 Proof of the Pudding (Obie O'Brien): Card is selected and returned. Cards are dealt face up an face down into a packet. Face up and face down cards are separated, and selection vanishes, finally appearing as the sole reversed card
407 Three O'Clock Nip (Carl Mellish): a coin vanish
408 Ellipses…Europe trip

409 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 11 Nov 1980
409 Canfield Connivery (Harry Lorayne): a solitaire casino gambling demo
411 The Invisible Coin (Tim Wright): A coin is placed on the deck of cards. The palm is placed over, allowing the coin to stick to the palm as the hand is lifted. The coin vanishes, then appears back on top of the deck
413 Layla (Francois Ziegler): a card effect using a 12 card stack
415 Bill-Verdere (Mike Bornstein): A Bill is folded and the portrait cut off and put away. When the bill is unfolded, it restores
417 One Cup Routine (Allan Hayden): short 1 cup routine using regular (not chop) cup and 4 balls (2 sizes) and the carry bag
419 Mysterious Traveler (Salomon Cohn): one coin across
420 Ellipses…a tattoo coin trick, Afterthoughts yes, nice Ace and 3 card and fan idea by Bob King

421 Apocalypse Vol 3 No 12 Dec 1980
421 Silver Streak (Don England): best gimmick for producing a coin under each of four cards. Good matrix intro
423 J-A-W-S (Barry Govan): Joker And Wallet Solution. Aces transpose with Jokers in a borrowed wallet
424 The Ring's The Thing (Scotty York): a variation of Hurley's Ring Opening using an origami ring as one of the linking finger rings
425 Do As I Do Prediction (Russell Barnhart): nice do as I do with prediction
426 Coins and Coasters (Shigeo Takagi): two step four coin routine using drink coasters
428 Squeeze Out (Anonymous): center card of three moves diagonally and eerily out of the packet
429 Escape! (Jim Laconte): Large ring or bracelet off rope presentation
430 Exchango (John Fedko): nice elmsley count routine
432 Out to Lunch: Ed Sullivan show

433 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 1 Jan 1981
433 One of a Mind (J.K. Hartman): variance of a card clairvoyance concept of Robert Houdin
435 And They Both Go Across (David Roth): two coins audibly go to left hand, but end up in right
437 Bicycle! (Peter Marshall): variation of Henry Christ's Tally Ho!
438 Soc III (Blair Bowling): Silver coin vanishes from between two coppers and appears in Okito box, then vanishes from your hand to appear between two boxed coppers
440 Card Production (Karrell Fox): one at a time card production from a silk
441 Bangle Dangle (Warren Stephens): ring or bracelet on ribbon is cut off, but ribbon is whole (clippo)
442 Case In Point (Paul Gertner): selection ends up in card case
443 Flash Prediction (Ted Biet): a carbonless paper prediction
444 Ellipses…More on Europe trip, John Davidson show, Michael Sondermeyer on John Cornelius' Sliding Knot

445 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 2 Feb 1981
445 Japanese Monte (Wesley James): impromptu with no gaffs
448 Have a Smoke (Tom Mullica): production of three lit cigarettes one at a time
448 A Lorayne Storm: Classic Force
449 Complex A Clut ( Fernando Roman): flourishy cut keeping deck intact
450 In Hands Chink A Chink (Fred Baumann): in the spectator's hands!
451 Color Changing Cardcase (Meir Yedid): a gag in which the cardcase changes color
452 Okinesis (Jon Brunelle): coin travels to closed Okito box audibly and even the box moves
453 Colorful Ace Control (Jean Jacques Sanvert): a four Ace effect using aces with different colored backs than the deck
454 Center Swivel Palm (Jim Swain): Jim uses it for his card to wallet routine
455 Editorial: bits of magical wisdom from Reputation Makers, reverse magic word

457 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 3 March 1981
457 The Purse & Glass (David Roth): One at a time transposition of 3 silver to 3 copper coins using a coin purse and glass
461 Thought Fool (Bernard Bilis): an interesting card sandwich effect
463 Half and Hole (Allan Hayden): half dollar locates a selected card, but damages it in the process. 
464 Easy Ring Off Rope (Mitch Dyszel): finger ring off rope or cord
465 Switch (Eric Mason): clean switch of a freely selected card
466 Mat Flip (Tim Wenk): a flourish for a folding close up mat
466 Minus Mustache (Terry Lagerould): A King loses his mustache
467 Throughly Amazing (Mark Lefler): Okito box is pushed through the table, being seen partway through before fully going through
468 Over the Edge (Julie Theriot): a Joker Mystery story
468 some credits

469 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 4 April 1981
469 Liquid Silver (Russ Burns): 4 coins penetrate a handkerchief; impromptu
472 Poor Man's Monte (Richard Vollmer): a pretty Monte routine
474 Ahoy There! (Phil Goldstein): gimmickless book test
475 All Aboard (Harry Lorayne): as above
476 Quicksilver Flight (Irshaad Hussain): a four coin and card routine with a jumbo coin ending based on Paul Harris' Free Flight
478 The Bag Man (Larry Becker): cards are removed from the deck in a bag one at a time until the spectator says stop. The bag is handed to the spectator who takes the next card: his selection
479 Ribbon Spread With Coin (John Henderson): A coin is vanished and is found in the deck next to the selected card
479 Muffled (Greg Otto): card is mentally selected from packet of 9 cards. Cards are shown one at a time and the card is gone, when spread, the selection is found face down
480 Ellipses…Great events for Harry Lorayne

481 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 5 May 1981
481 Slide Out (Slydini): card control transfer of selected card in a fan to the top of the deck as the fan is closed
483 Crazy Rope (Sixten Beme): Ends of two ropes are knotted together, knot slides to end then back to center. Knot is untied to show two ropes, then tied together again. Knot is now slid off the rope and the rope is one piece and can be examined
485 Four Coin Assembly (Trevor Lewis): coins and cards
486 Deck Through Handkerchief (Keith Breen): card deck through handkerchief
488 Key Ring Cover (Jerry Fulton): three handling moves for the Chinese linking rings
489 Tally Ho One Way (Tom Craven): impromptu one way set up
490 the Impossible Catch (Danny Korem): during an elbow coin catch, three coins vanish
491 Tabled Bluff Pass (Bobby Bernard): new look at the Bluff Pass
492 Ellipses…Holland, Best of Friends, Jeff Busby

493 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 6 June 1981
493 Ballast (Karrell Fox): any playing card is balanced on the back of your hand (TT)
495 Flip Over View (Ken Krenzel, Vincent Sabatino, Aleix Badet, Oscar Weigle, Harry Lorayne, Sol Stone): 8 methods for showing two surfaces of a coin but actually showing one surface twice
498 Glimpse Crimp Location (Hans Van Senus): impromptu location of a freely selected card
499 Around She Goes! (Mark Levy): mental prediction effect around spin the bottle
501 San Tran (Chris Michaels): impromptu effect using 4 of a kind
502 Colorevelation (Christopher Sallek): prediction effect using commercial "magic" invisible ink type pens
503 Biddle Bemused (Paul Friedman M.D.): Biddle steal and replace count with a subtle touch
504 Out to Lunch: magic on TV

505 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 7 July 1981
505 Snap Aces Out (Jean Jacques Sanvert): startling 4 Ace discovery
507 Puzzlement 1&2 (Looy Simonoff): two puzzles with a length of rope or shoelace
510 The Magic Card (Mel Brown): an easy card stab
510 Coy Nintoop En (Salomon Cohn): complete vanish of a coin using a pen
512 Super Flustration (Eddy Taytelbaum): showing all cards alike
512 A Lorayne Storm: a poor double lift
513 Knife Through Coin (Fred Baumann): using a thin color changing knife and a cigarette through quarter or half coin
514 That's Small (Ron Frost): a card is small in value, but is really small (miniature)
514 Squared Squeeze (Bob Nelson): squeeze out effect from three non outjogged cards
515 Ellipses…corrections to Mullica's Have a Smoke, Jonathan Townsend, naming a card (Horace), a nice coincidence

517 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 8 Aug 1981
517 The Almost Perfect Coin Vanish (Meir Yedid): a clever seated vanish
519 Back Off! (Darwin Ortiz): four double backed cards in a packet magically acquire faces
522 Easy Matrix (Lenny Greenfader): fast card and coin assembly or matrix
524 Instant Rapport (Bill Voss): a two person code with fast set up of your assistant
525 Impossible Visual Link (Eric De Camps): 4" ring or bracelet and cord or string
526 Slow Motion Penetration (El Duco): a die is placed on the table, a card leaned over it. A glass is placed under the table and the card pushed down. The die penetrates the table and goes into the glass!
527 Ellipses…a visit to the post office

529 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 9 Sept 1981
529 The Shrinking Deck (Steve Skomp): a ambitious selection rises to the top twice. When the spectator goes to insert the card, the deck has shrunk
531 The Incredible Bulk (Nick Pudar): a series of transpositions with Scotch taped coins. The coins become taped together at the end
532 Short and Sweet (Jeff Altman): a spelling card revelation
533 (D)ice Breakers (Cees De Vries): puzzle diversions using dice
534 Bulls Eye! (Jack Birman): a pair of face up mates are tossed into the deck and instantly trap the selection.. Needs Charlier cuts
535 Impromptu Headline Prediction (Stan Lobenstern): mentalist effect
536 Holaroid (David Lederman): a selection is "photographed" using a "pinhole" camera made with double blank cards with a hole in the middle
539 Platform "Snap" Double Lift (Bill Steinacker): nice double lift good for platform presentations
540 Ellipses…paid bills, contributions that have not appeared, Harry's award, plagiarism

541 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 10 Oct 1981
541 Purist Kangaroo Coins (Tim Wenk): two different coins are placed under two playing cards. Two indicator coins are placed above the cards to indicate which coin is where. The two coins are visibly switched under the cards, then they magically go back to their original positions.
543 Shoot Out (Gene Varre): a red Ace visibly turns into a King as it is flipped out of a packet
545 One Handed GH Release (Jack Mitzman): release of large ring from rope (2-3" ring or bracelet)
546 Cards & Coins Ala Cups & Balls (Ray Mertz): Dai Vernon's cups & balls routine using Jumbo cards and coins
548 Mistaken Identity (Joe Russo): instant change of 4 jacks to 4 aces using a gaffed card
549 Scissors Vanish (Robert L. Brooks): coin vanish
550 Propel A Card (Jean Jacques Sanvert): single card toss
551 Mis Made Flag (Tom Mullica): making and using a two ended filter cigarette
552 Out to Lunch: table magic and a lost $100 bill

553 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 11 Nov 1981
553 Titan (Andre Robert): blue backed card shuffled among 9 reds. Another 10 pack from ace to 10 is shuffled and only 1 remains in numerical order. That number is the position of the blue card in the red packet. When turned up, the two cards match
556 Only Four (Tom Craven): a matrix using a shell
557 Four Card Monte (Michael Powers): a four card Monte based on Norman Houghton's Trinity
558 Incrediblack (Steve Dobson): an effect based on a fictional non existent shuffle
559 On Off Again (Oscar Weigle Sol Stone): finger ring on and off a fountain pen
561 Credence (Martin Nash): peeked at card vanishes from the deck and is found at a number named by the spectator
562 …And Back Again (Paul Labute): two coins across and back again
563 Three Plus (John Henderson): a reversed 3 locates the selection
564 Ellipses…credits, more on Harry's award, trips

565 Apocalypse Vol 4 No 12 Dec 1981 
565 4 Okito 4 (Frank Zak): 4 halves travel into the Okito box one at a time. When dumped out, they have changed to English Pennies
568 Don't Get Personal (Paul Gertner): performer finds a thought of card and the spectator's name is written on it
569 Four Warned (Don England): gimmick for producing 4 coins from a deck of cards
570 Bet A Buck (Mike Bornstein): a spectator initials a sticker on a dollar bill that has a prediction on it. The spectator selects a card, but it does not match the initial prediction. When looked at again, however, the prediction matches
571 The Flutter Change (Paul Cummins): spellbound coin change
572 San Sub (Steve Minch): Steve's variation of Jean Jacques Sanvert's Triple Triumph
573 Circle Coin Vanish (Harry Lorayne): a coin vanish when taking a drag from a cigarette
574 Impromptu Abacus (Jean Jacques Sanvert): an almost impromptu version of Phil Goldstein's Abacus card effect
576 Ellipses…finding a medium between easy and difficult routines, book about Richard Himber, John Cornelius' The Magician's Date Book

577 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 1 Jan 1982
577 Departure From a Point (Larry Jennings): a "bank robber" card escapes twice
580 The Legendary Four Coin Trick (David Roth): an entertaining tongue in cheek coin routine
582 Hue View (J.K. Hartman): Out of this World effect with 20 cards
583 No Switch Bill Go (Bob Fitch): a flash bill vanish (restore it however you see fit)
584 Cased Aces (Karrell Fox): four spectator select 4 cards and place them unseen into a card case. They are all Aces
585 Can't I (Woody Landers): Coins Across New Theory Impromptu: no gimmicks
586 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Michael Gerhardt on Don England's Silver Streak
587 TH Spinning Wheel (Hippie Torrales): Tally Ho stunt using circle design
587 Twentieth Century Cardsharp (Barry Govan): a gambling demo on second deals
588 Ellipses…Apocalypse success

589 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 2 Feb 1982 
589 Un Safety Pins (Han van Senus): linking safety pin routine using ungimmicked pins
591 Eight Is Enough (Michael Farmer): a stubborn 8 is used as an indicator to find two selections
592 A Beautiful Vanish or Change (Sol Stone): combination of One to Five and Soft Sleeve for a coin move
593 A Subtle Deck Switch (Robert Gardner): a deck switch performed in full view
594 Grab a Bight (Peter Marshall): sliding and vanishing knot 
595 Impromptu Wild Card (Jonathan Townsen): 4 Tens change to jokers one at a time when rubbed on the "magic" joker
597 The Kenobi Reversal (Ed DeMello): a card reversal move
598 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Charles Hudson on Bicycle!
599 Quick Cig. (Harry Lorayne): a cigarette is tossed and squashed out with the foot, then produced. Good for quick, impromptu
599 Ellipses…credits and an "unnamed" Karl Fulves, some new magic, postal service, Dai Vernon

601 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 3 March 1982
601 The No Shuttle Shuttle and The Over Switch (Roger Klause): two beautiful coin switches
604 Oh Calcutta Shuffle (John Cornelius): memorized stacked deck routine
605 Demosthenes' Marbles (Milton): anytime anywhere routine with 4 marbles
606 Macho Monte (Harry Levine): a Monte effect using Aces and some Kings that appear from nowhere
607 Funny Cut & Funny Pass (Gerald Kosky): false cut in the hands
608 Roll Down Coin Vanish (Robert Bengel): a coin vanish
609 Ace Trap (Louis Falanga): selection appears face down between 4 face up Aces
611 Fake Take Shuffle (Albert Charra): bottom card(s) control
611 Ellipses…Europe trip, credits

613 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 4 April 1982
613 Lonely Horace (Ed Marlo): a card named Horace, two methods
614 Magical Ladies (Joey Gallo): Four swivel cuts cause 2 red queens to appear, vanish, then sandwich a selection
615 Close Quarters (Bob Farmer): yet another coin and card matrix routine
617 Coin Card Shade (John Cornelius): a proving action showing just a card, no coin
617 New Theory Pick Up Move (Tom Gagnon): for coin and card
619 Flying Signature Explored (Doty): variation on Jim Lee's The Flying Signature
620 Predic Tac Toe (Richard Osterlind): the outcome of tic tac toe game is predicted
621 The Paddle Wheel Add On/Change (Edgar Peters): a head on card add on or change move
623 Ellipses…childish magician, lack of credit, a so called gambling expert

625 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 5 May 1982
625 X-sellent (Salomon Cohn): mentalism effect. Magician is able to mark the item thought of by different spectators
627 Wind Tunnel (J.G. O'Genski) selected card flies out of the deck
628 Get Ready for Wind Tunnel (Ken Krenzel): a get ready for the above
629 Las Vegas Dice (Barry Govan): a one cup routine with a cup and dice
630 Absorbing Penetration (Michael Gerhardt): Red ace rubbed on blue cardcase to change its back color, but the face turns to a Joker instead The Ace is found inside the cardcase, but has absorbed the blue from the case, which is now blank
631 Magic Moola (James Conger): coins across routine with 2 shot glasses and an expanded shell and a jumbo coin
633 Continued (Allan Slaight): Spelling, Lie Speller, mate effect, Gin Rummy, Stud Poker, Blackjack demo all with one stack 
634 A Lorayne Storm: routines not to do
635 Poor Man's Pencil Thru Quarter (Jim Sutton & Tom Craven): using a washer and napkin
635 Out to Lunch: the memory act

637 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 6 June 1982 
637 Stamp Collector (Murray Cooper): a progressive assembly of stamps on cards
639 Acrobatic Monte (Shigeo Takagi): red picture card vanishes from between two spot cards, becoming a black spot card
641 Coin From Bill (Bob Hyans): clean method for producing a coin from a bill
643 The Wicked (S)witch (Bob Elliot): above coin from bill used for a bill switch
644 Side End Illusion (Hippie Torrales): method for lapping three selected cards
645 Double Girth False Knot (John Meuller): dissolving knot
646 Lazy Man's Invisible Pass (Norman Houghton): an easy card pass
647 Ellipses…credits, Jon Brunelle on Rubik's cubes (Quick Rubik), traveling

649 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 7 July 1982
649 Easy Ramsey (Jonathan Townsend): coin and cylinder routine simplified. Does not use "stack of coins"
652 Devil's 3 Card Monte (Tonny Van Rhee): clean three card Monte
654 Sponge Chop (Fernando Roman): instant appearance of a sponge ball
654 Dunbury Sandwitch to Go (Phil Goldstein): handling of Walker Solomon Dunbury Sandwich card routine
656 One Coin Tenkai (Sol Stone): a Tekai effect with one coin used for a vanish
656 Double Trouble (Jon Racherbaumer): variation of Sid Lorraine's Two Faced card routine
658 Chinese Numbers (Reinhard "Stuttie" Stuttman): an ice breaker stunt
659 Think Big (Fred Baumann): penny vanishes, appears, changes to a jumbo penny, which vanishes
660 Editorial: editorial on photocopying

661 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 8 Aug 1982
661 Thimblena (Joe Safuto): uses one thimble and one "rubber finger" used by clerks for sorting papers
663 Universal Twist (Francis Pelkey): Each of 4 aces change to same selected card until all 4 are the selection. They then change back to aces. Selection is face up in face down deck
665 Throw Out Cardcase (Mike Bornstein): a gag "yo yo" cardcase
665 Overhand Shuffle Crimp (Ted Biet): utility crimp key
666 View Flip Over (Zavis, El Duco, Peter Jones): 7 more methods for showing 2 sides of a coin, actually 1 side twice
669 Cigarette Cards (Terry LaGerould): two spectators end up with each others selections in this routine based on smoking
670 SPCA (Craig Keller): Sponge Ball and Cards
671 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Peter Marshall on Paul Friedman's Biddle Bemused
671 Ellipses…Post office story

673 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 9 Sept 1982
673 Very Nice Oil & Water (Richard Vollmer): another oil & water routine using the Ascanio spread and Elmsley count
675 Hotshot (Russ Burns): 4 coin to glass transposition with a kicker, while seated
677 Color Reset (Jeff Poncher): yet another card reset
678 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: Peter Marshall on Richard Vollmer's Poor Man's Monte
679 Ring Strip (Robert L. Brooks): finger ring and rope
680 The Tilt Bluff Pass (Don England): control card to 2nd from top
681 Finger Bandage Gag (Jack Chanin): a false finger gag
682 Unit of Travel (Zalman Puchkoff): anywhere anytime coin vanish reappearance routine
683 Double Crosser (Tom Craven): a nice double lift quickie
683 Ellipses…Alan Alan, English, Best of Friends, Chink a Chink, Frank Joglar and Milbourne Christopher, Triumph suggestion by Paul Cummins

685 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 10 Oct 1982
685 New Life for Squash (Dick Christian): vanishing whiskey glass from spectator's hand
687 Another Hofzinser Twist (Jean Jacques Sanvert): Four aces turn face down one at a time, then change to 4 eights. Selected 8 turns face down, then changes to AS. Aces turn face up, sandwiching selected card
689 I Believe (Jack Mitzman): rope through wand, using a scroll rather than the wand
690 Red Blew (David R. Fernandes): paddle routine with colored paper discs
691 Away & Back (Al Cohen): flourish type coin vanish and reproduction 
692 Fan See Card Control (Michael Buzzell): secret change of a card beneath a fan of cards
694 Penetrating Thoughts (Paul Cummins): Okito box penetration
695 A Lorayne Storm: a quick speller card trick
695 Drop Kick Aces (Ray Goulet): simple 4 ace revelation
696 Out to Lunch: Professor Magic Show

697 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 11 Nov 1982
697 Open Coins Across (Tom Craven): 4 coins across using an expanded shell
699 "Pick" a Card (Bill Nord): a toothpick tray used to flip over a revelation card
700 Flying Reds (Peter Marshall): a card routine with four 8s and four 9s.
702 Pinch Change (Earl Nelson): instant copper silver coin change
703 Four Ace Foregone (Bernard Bilis): 4 ace packet routine
704 Apocalypse Variations or Additions: William Zavis on Roth's Legendary Four Coin Trick
705 Display Flip Steal (John Bauman): first coin steal for a coins across
706 Successive Reversals (Keith Breen): cause one ace at a time to appear face up at center of face down deck
707 Editorial: Preface to The Magic Book

709 Apocalypse Vol 5 No 12 Dec 1982
709 The Twirl Spread (Bob Farmer): flourish or secret move to hide one to three cards, with some trick ideas
712 On The Lap (Joe Safuto): an impromptu jumbo coin routine
713 Two Impromptu Stretches (Don England): no gaff stretching the lady (card) effects
715 Imp-ossible (David Roth): an imp bottle with a cork in the mouth can be made to lie down only by the magician
716 Three After One (Fantomas): three wrong cards turn into the right ones
718 Cross Changed (Paul Cummins): Okito box routine
719 Flicker Again (Herb Zarrow): wrong card is finger snapped and visibly changes to the right one
720 Ellipses…end of year comments. 

PLEASE NOTE: This item is a digital download ,Gimmick not included



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